Womens’ and families’
specialty services
Please note: The following services are provided only in part by Riverwood Center directly. Riverwood Center will make referrals to community providers to supply some of these services. All of the services listed on this page are not directly provided by our Riverwood Center, NorthStar, Scottdale, Niles or Courthouse locations.
What is Women’s and Families Speciality Services?
A Riverwood Center program focusing on empowerment of mothers and pregnant women who are struggling with alcohol and drug issues
The goals of WFSS include:
Establish and maintain sobriety
Reducing barriers to treatment including transportation, child care, housing, coordination with healthcare and referrals to community resources.
Advocacy and support with all involved providers in the family system such as court involvement, CPS, foster care, healthcare and medication assisted treatment.
Support the well-being of the family system and overall improved functioning of the family unit.
WFSS is focused on unconditional care which means that we care for the family system, meeting the family where they are and supporting the goals the family defines as important. It means it is our responsibility to adapt to the needs of the family and adjust the programming to those needs.
What kind of services are offered in WFSS program?
Case Management: addressing family planning, employment needs, housing, budgeting, parenting skills, food and other benefits, reducing barriers to accessing services and fostering self-sufficiency in each women’s family system.
Group Treatment: Builds the relationship with the woman’s inner and outer self to strengthen recovery. Addresses abuse, violence and trauma with material that reflects an understanding of the realities of the lives of women and girls, and that addresses and responds to their strengths and challenges.
Individual Therapy: Emphasizes the importance of relationships in a woman's life, and attempts to address the strengths as well as the problems arising for women from a relational orientation.
Women who are involved in the Women’s and Family Specialty Services program, who also have a mental illness, will receive integrated substance use and mental health services according to their needs and preferences.
Parenting and life skills classes
Who is eligible for the program?
Women struggling with alcohol and drug issues where pregnant and parenting women are a priority for treatment.
How do I get started?
Call 269-925-0585 and or walk into Riverwood Center
(1485 M -139 next to UHAUL) Monday- Thursday from 8:30-7:00pm or Friday 8:30-5:00pmAsk to speak with the intake department to complete a request for service
Mention an interest in the WFSS program
Pregnant and/or injecting will be given an assessment appointment within 24 hours