Customer Services
Your satisfaction is our priority.
We want you to be happy with our services, but we understand that there are times when things do not go as they should. If you are unhappy then we would like to hear about it.
Customer Services is here to assist you when:
You are not happy with your services.
You need help with service choices or changing providers.
You are looking for information about Riverwood Center.
You want help locating information about places to get help.
Contact Customer Services at (269) 934-3478 or toll free at (866) 729-8716.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I do not agree with Riverwood's decision about my need for services?
We will notify you if we decide to deny your request for services or reduce, suspend or terminate the services you already receive. You have the right to file an appeal and/or request a state fair hearing when you do not agree with such a decision (state fair hearings are only available if you are covered by Medicaid). To file an appeal, please call Customer Services at (269) 934-3478 or toll free (866) 729-8716.
What if I am not happy with the way my services were provided or the way I was treated?
If you are ever unhappy with the way your services are provided or how you are treated, we need to know. We strive to create an exceptional network of providers, so you can get the best, most effective treatment possible. Please tell us about any disappointing experiences you have within the community mental health system. To file a grievance, please call Customer Services at (269) 934-3478 or toll free (866) 729-8716.
What happens if I feel my rights have been violated?
You, as a recipient of community mental health services, have the right to:
Be free from abuse and neglect.
Be treated with dignity and respect.
Have your confidentiality upheld.
If you feel any of your rights have been violated, please call the Riverwood Center Recipient Rights Office at (269) 927-8629.
we are excited to announce our most recent office name update, from northStar center, to “Riverwood St. Joseph.”
Riverwood Center is a division of the Berrien Mental Health Authority (BMHA), within the “Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health” region. Formerly associated with county governance, as an “authority”-status entity, BMHA, doing business as Riverwood Center, is made up of multiple locations and offices, all working together. Over the years, some location names might change… but all locations always tie-back to our Riverwood Center entity, under the umbrella of BMHA.
HIPAA Notice of Privacy Information
SWMBH Customer service handbook
SWMBH Customer Service Handbook (Updated 1.2025)
SWMBH Customer Service Handbook (Spanish, Updated 2.2025)
If you receive services from Community Mental Health and have a dispute, you can now solve these problems quickly by requesting a free mediation. Call 1-844-3-MEDIATE or email today!
Click on the picture to learn more!